Maintenance and shutdowns are inevitable during the lifecycle of any major facility. Scheduled maintenance, the replacement of parts, modification or expansion – each activity will support or improve the efficiency and safe functioning of the plant. Whether it’s to expand the capacity of a refinery or chemical plant, change out old components in a nuclear generator, or update the blast furnaces in a steel mill, a shutdown needs to be carried out safely and efficiently, minimizing both risk and downtime.

Many plants were not designed with shutdowns in mind, and older facilities that have already been upgraded or expanded often present a congested working environment. In some cases, plant operators want to maintain output during a turnaround, and often multiple contractors are involved in the project, each with their own scope of work and schedule. All of these factors add to the complexity of a shutdown, and call for a comprehensive shutdown concept that takes into account not only the movement of the different components, but also the safe coordination of maintenance and shutdown-related activities across the site.

Keep your next plant shutdown/outage on schedule and within budget. Our factory-certified technicians are available for on-site or shop support service needs.

  • Shorter lead times on critical valves and valve parts from our large suppliers and partners
  • Innovative new solutions to replace poorly performing valves
  • On-site service and repair
  • In-line testing and certification to reduce uncessary maintenance

We have decades of outage experience, the largest service fleet in the Upper Midwest, and more than 125 factory-certified technicians ready to serve you.

Our service is available to you 24/7.